Saturday, January 28, 2023


What strategies do you already incorporate in your Science lessons?
Did the article give you some ideas/strategies that could be helpful in
planning your future Science lessons?
What are some of your challenges when teaching Science lessons?
How do you plan to overcome those challenges?

Picture Word Inductive Model

Watch the video above.
ELL teachers and ELA: Do you think your students would benefit 
from using this startegy? If so how? and If not why?


In what have you incorporated some of the strategies mentioned in the article in 
your weekly planning for your ELL students?

Explain how the strategies you used in recent lessons have helped increase student backgrond knowledge to be successful for the learning targets/objectives?

English/Grammar Resources

This is a great resource for the ELA teachers.

Check this out and it will lead you a plethora of ELA/Grammar videos.

View one of the videos.  What are you thoughts?

Good resource, if not what would you recommend.

Data tracking ideas for primary or intermediate grades.

View the video. What are your thoughts? Share your strategy for tracking student data. 

PLC Examples

PLC is a time for teachers to inform their instruction by using data based on student work.  Below are some videos of teachers unpacking a standard before teaching a particular standard, using student work to inform next steps and building a common assessment.

Watch the videos below and please answer the question below.

Unpacking A Standard

Investigating Student Work

Building a Common Assessment

Is this happening in your PLC, If so please share how your team has used student work, unpacked a standard to see exactly what your SLO - student learning objectives will be for that standard or revised or built a common assessment?

Building Confidence & Resilience in Math

Click here to read the article


Please respond to at least two of the the following questions.

"Tasks should allow for struggle so that students understand that they don't have to get the answer quickly." 
Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Explain.

Do you allow your students to struggle? Do you often ask the students leading versus guiding questions? How do the students react when you are not willing to model for them when they are struggling?

Do you think that number talks will be beneficial in building resilience in students? If so explain how have you used number talks to build math resilience in students.  Share your experiences thus far. 

What is the difference between this article and the first article? Are there any major points that are different in this article than in the first article?  


Friday, January 27, 2023

Read this article about how to reset beahvior mid-year.

Do you think that any of these tips can be helpful in 

your classroom? Why or why not?  


Do you agree with Pirette McKamey's thoughts on the art of teaching reading?

Is there anything that you are already implementing in your class?

Do you disagree with any points? Were ther any AHA moments?

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Click here to read article  

How have you incorporated these skills in your classes/lessons?

What are some areas of concern?- If any?

Are there any other skills that should be added to this article?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Click here to read

This article is dated in 2011, Do you think that

some of the strategies mentioned could be still useful

in your math class today? Explain.

Click here to read

What strategies do you find to be helpful?

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Number Talk Resource: Splat

I love Steve Wyborney's Splat slides.  I had the pleasure of using his slides with grades K-1, 2-3 and 6-7 last summer.  The slides are great for building number sense and allows students to use strategies such as counting on.  The students enjoyed them. 

Below is a link to his website and also some videos with an actual teacher implementing Splat in a remote setting. 

2nd Grade Splat- Addition/Subtraction 

3-6 grade Splat Video Multiplication & Divison 

2-6 grade Splat Video

Have you used his site before? If so please share your experiences.  
Do you think that this another way to formally assess your students? If so explain how you would use the information you gathered from using the splat slides or any number talk or number strings.

60 Second Strategy: Participation Cards

Grades 2-8th grade/Any subject 

View the above video.

Would you use this strategy in your classroom? Why or Why not? Explain what might be some limitations or how this strategy can enhance class participation.

Friday, January 20, 2023

60 Second Strategy: Peer Review

Grades 3-5 Teachers
Critiquing Cursive Writing

Students love being the teacher.  Giving feedback to there fellow classmates is genius! This allows the students to hear from their peers instead of their teacher.  
Have you used this strategy in your class? Share your experience.  
If not do you think this strategy will be beneficial in your class? Please share your thoughts.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

60 Second Strategy: Interview Assessment

Grades 4-8 Math 

Watch the above video.

This is a strategy that will help to inform your teaching and help with finding out what students already know.  This process is great for taking the time to get a better understanding of how and why the student solved a problem in a particular way. Also, to check for any misconceptions that need to be corrected. Feedback is essential. 

Respond to the following questions. 

Is this a strategy that you already implement in your class? If so please share your experiences.

If you have not used this strategy before, would you implement this strategy? Do you think that there will be some limitations to using this strategy? If so explain. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Classroom Management

Have you made any of these management mistakes in your class? Share your experience.  

What did you learn from that mistake? How did you change the mistake?

February: The Month of LOVE

Welcome to 2nd Semester of the PRSD 143.5 Mentoring Program. Hoping that all of you are having great meetings with your mentors and you are ...